Mental Health

Healthy You | Mental Health

Your Sleep Habits are a Key Part of Your Overall Health, Here’s How!

Are you tossing and turning or waking up groggy? Our sleep profoundly affects our ability to manage stress, stay healthy, and feel productive. This January, resolving to sleep better might be at the heart of your other resolutions; exercise, healthy eating, and less drinking are all ways to sleep...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

The Surprising Health Benefits of a Saskatchewan Winter!

Do you feel the winter is best viewed from the inside? Well, it’s time to pull yourself from your hygge hiding spot, put down the fleece blankets, and reap the benefits of living in chilly Saskatchewan! Your body derives several benefits from cold weather, and in this blog, we will talk about the...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Practical Mindfulness Tools are the Best Gift you Can Give Yourself this Holiday Season!

For many people, the holidays can bring on mixed feelings. While it’s a joyful time to share with friends and family, it can also be stressful. This season, you can focus on creating beautiful memories with your loved ones by practicing mindfulness and meditation. This blog gives you self-care ti...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Our Tips for a Healthy and Stress-Free Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a time of celebration and joy, but for many of us, it can also be stressful. This year, we have tips and tricks to help you manage stress. From creating boundaries to fun ways to spend less money, we know it’ll help you make the best of the season. Different ways to gif...

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Community | Health Literacy | Mental Health | SK Healthcare

Inspiring Achievement: Interview with 2022 Indspire Scholarship Recipient

Indspire is a national Indigenous charity that invests in the educations of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. Partnering with private and public section stakeholders, Indspire aims to inspire achievement, while educating, connecting and investing in students so they will achieve their highes...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Loneliness & Social Connection

It's important for our mental health to maintain our social connections... even from a distance. May 4 to 10, 2020 is the Canadian Mental Health Association's (CMHA) Mental Health Week. Taking care of your mental health is important every day of the year, but in trying times like these, it's esp...

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