Mental Health

Healthy You | Mental Health

5 ways to start working on your mental health

Working on your whole health and wellness is more than just your physical health. This Mental Health Week is a great time to check in with yourself and make sure you're prioritizing your mental health. This could include making big leaps forward or small actions every day to improve or maintain y...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Beat the Winter blues and prioritize health

During the winter months in Canada—Saskatchewan especially, because, let’s be honest, it gets pretty darn cold here!—we experience a combination of challenges, including shorter days, colder temperatures, reduced exposure to vitamin D, and sometimes seasonal depression. This can make this time of...

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Health Literacy | Healthy You | Mental Health | Trusted Sources

Winter in Saskatchewan: Tips to Manage Seasonal Mood Changes

For us in Saskatchewan, the January is a time when sunlight is its briefest and temperatures are at their coldest. Winter can be a recipe for a host of feelings, such as sadness, irritability, and apathy; if you feel a seasonal shift in your mood over the winter, you are not alone. Winter in Sask...

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Health Literacy | Healthy You | Mental Health | Trusted Sources

Spotlight on Men’s Health: Movember & More

November is the month to shine a light on men’s health here in Saskatchewan. You can join in the conversation by participating in initiatives like Movember and talking to your friends about mental health. Did you know that men die an average of 5 years earlier than women? It’s true, and many c...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

5 tips to help you sleep better

Quality sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body. While life's challenges such as stress, responsibilities or even illness, may disrupt our rest, improving your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night can be done by focusing on your sleep hygiene. Why is sleep hygiene i...

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Healthy at Work | Mental Health

Mental health at work: Tips to support your team’s mental health

Supporting mental health in workplaces is a crucial part of building a strong and productive work environment. Whether you run a business, are an HR professional or manage a team at your job, taking care of your employees’ mental well-being will give them a sense of belonging and, in-return boost...

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