
Debunking common health insurance misconceptions

There are many myths out there about health insurance in Saskatchewan. Despite the many options available in Canada, misconceptions about insurance (including travel insurance in Canada) can make many people hesitant when considering becoming insured.

Health insurance can be an important part of your whole health toolkit, helping you care for your health, provide you with peace of mind, and protect your finances. Let’s debunk some common myths and see why health insurance is a wise choice for everyone.

Myth #1: Sask Health offers me coverage for my health, I don’t need additional coverage.

You may think that because our provincial healthcare offers some coverage, you don’t need additional health insurance. It’s true that the healthcare provided by the Government of Saskatchewan covers basic health needs as part of our taxes.

However, any healthcare costs outside of those basic needs would be your responsibility. That could include costs like an ambulance ride, diabetic supplies and equipment, vision care, accidental dental care, and more.

Protect your finances

A Saskatchewan Blue Cross personal health insurance plan provides you with coverage for those health expenses not covered by our government plan, which can help you save money over time. It may also provide you with access to health benefits and travel insurance in Canada you might not otherwise have or take advantage of, such as coverage for health practitioners like massage therapy and chiropractic care.

Myth #2: Health insurance is only for the elderly or people with health issues. I’m young and healthy.

It’s a common belief that health insurance is only necessary for the elderly or those who have a health condition. But the reality is that life can bring unexpected surprises, and accidents, illnesses, and routine medical needs can arise at any stage of life.

Health insurance can also provide preventative care to help you maintain your health as you age. For instance, consistent dental care helps to prevent tooth decay, but can also help in the prevention of other health conditions, such as heart and respiratory diseases, cancer and diabetes, according to the World Dental Federation. A good health insurance plan can cover these expenses.

Lower prices and more choices

Getting health insurance when you’re younger usually means lower premium costs and more choices. Preventative healthcare is certainly the best and first route to take to help prevent the onset of disease.

Exercising, eating a healthy diet packed with fruits and vegetables, and learning to manage stress all contribute to better, healthier living. These proactive measures can translate into perhaps needing fewer aggressive interventions in future years.

Myth #3: I have an existing health condition, so I’m not eligible for health insurance.

Many people believe having a pre-existing condition means you can’t get health insurance. This misconception can deter many from seeking an insurance plan that could help support their healthcare needs. The landscape of health insurance in Saskatchewan is more accommodating than many realize.

Different health insurance plans may have various rules for pre-existing conditions. These rules depend on the provider and plan. Many insurers in Canada offer plans designed to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions.

Health insurance is more inclusive

The health insurance industry is changing, with policies becoming more inclusive. Insurance companies recognize the importance of providing coverage for everyone. This includes those with pre-existing conditions.

Health insurance plans like the Saskatchewan Blue Cross Guaranteed Acceptance plan provide guaranteed health insurance with no medical questions and no waiting periods. This plan is the perfect fit for a person who may have an existing health condition or is already on a prescription drug.

Myth #4: I already have health insurance through work, so I don’t need it.

Many people think that if they have insurance through work, they don’t need more coverage. Your group benefits plan is an important part of caring for your overall health, but you may have some gaps in coverage that a personal health plan could help cover. To know if you need more coverage, take a close look at your company’s health plan.

Some employer health plans cover basic medical needs only and may not include coverage for specialized treatments or alternative therapies. You may also have a limited amount of coverage for dental care, vision care, health practitioners like physiotherapy or chiropractic care, prescription drugs, or other health services.

Moreover, job security is another factor to consider. In the event of a job change or loss, you could find yourself without any health insurance coverage. If you have personal health insurance, you’ll have coverage no matter where you work.

Personal health insurance can help cover the gaps in your existing coverage

A personal health plan can help supplement the coverage offered through your workplace benefits plan. You can customize health insurance plans to fit your health, lifestyle and family’s needs, and adjust them as your circumstances change.

Myth #5: Health insurance covers everything.

Many think a health insurance policy covers you for all health-related expenses. This misconception can lead to surprises when certain costs aren’t covered.

Health insurance provides extensive coverage according to the policies for each plan, individually set by each insurer. As with home or travel insurance, there are many options to choose from for health insurance. Each insurance option is a bit different.

Each health insurance policy has its own set of terms, conditions, and exclusions. Some policies may not cover certain treatments, medications, or alternative therapies. It’s also common for insurance policies to have caps on certain types of coverage. This includes dental work or health practitioner services.

Many different plans to choose from

The level of coverage can vary from plan to plan, and provider to provider. Some plans are more affordable, but only cover essential medical services. Others might offer comprehensive coverage, which can include a broader range of services but at a higher premium.

Deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket maximums affect your coverage and what you pay. Read your health insurance policy to understand what it covers.

Saskatchewan Blue Cross can help you find the right plan.

Our suite of health insurance plans is designed to meet the needs of Saskatchewan residents. Our Member Experience team can help guide you to the right plan, offering tailored advice for your unique needs.

Saskatchewan Blue Cross offers the best insurance options for residents of our province. We live here, just like you, which means we have a deep understanding of the needs of the people of Saskatchewan. Our focus is what’s important to you, ensuring you get the right insurance plan to best fit your needs. Explore personal health plans here or contact Saskatchewan Blue Cross today.