
National Injury Prevention Day

Injuries happen, even when we’re trying to prevent them. National Injury Prevention Day is an annual reminder of the importance of injury prevention. Every day, 48 Canadians die and 634 are hospitalized because of injuries. These numbers highlight the critical need for effective injury prevention strategies, especially in the workplace.

Injury prevention resources

Prevention is key to avoiding injuries in the workplace. Research shows that falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits and disabilities in Canada. This underscores the importance of having robust injury prevention measures in place.

Employers can play a significant role in reducing workplace injuries by utilizing available resources, presentations, training and prevention programs. Here are some valuable resources:


Parachute is a national charity dedicated to injury prevention, with the goal of educating others and helping all Canadians live long lives to the fullest. They offer a wide range of resources that can be used to improve safety in the workplace.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan

WorkSafe Saskatchewan is a partnership between the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board and the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety. They work through an integrated provincial strategy aimed at achieving zero workplace injuries. Their comprehensive approach includes various programs and training modules designed to enhance workplace safety.

Protect yourself and loved ones

Adding disability coverage to your Group benefits plan at Saskatchewan Blue Cross provides your employees with peace of mind when injuries occur, ensuring they have a steady income while they recover. This essential benefit helps maintain financial stability during challenging times, allowing employees to focus on healing and getting back to their best. Disability coverage is only available for Group benefit plans.

There are two types of disability coverage Saskatchewan Blue Cross offers to protect your employees – short-term and long-term coverage.

Short-term coverage

  • Often referred to as Weekly Indemnity
  • Coverage starts shortly after an injury or illness and usually lasts up to 6 months
  • Paid weekly
  • Members are covered 24/7, so payment is not contingent upon this being a workplace injury

Long-term coverage

  • Starts after 6 months of ongoing injury or illness
  • Paid monthly
  • Usually covers between 60-70% of an employee’s pre-disability earnings

These benefits work together to ensure that your employees are covered for both short- and long-term financial loss due to injury.

Injury prevention is a shared responsibility. By taking advantage of these resources and disability coverage, employers can create safer work environments while giving peace of mind to their employees.