Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Healthy You

9 Summer superfoods to add to your diet

With summer comes many in-season fruits and vegetables! Keep reading for a list of our favourite summer superfoods to add to your diet. Superfoods are foods that are dense in nutrients, and therefore great for our health! Many foods that you most likely already eat on a regular basis are filled ...

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Healthy You

10 tips for Engaging in Self-Care

Is self-care one of those things you always intend to do, but maybe don't get to? Here is a list of our top tips to ensuring you take the time to take care of yourself and some ideas to get you started. Self-care is taking care of our own well-being and happiness. It often looks different for ev...

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Healthy You

What does wellness mean to you?

Wellness is a term that's often used when discussing health. Have you ever stopped to think about what maintaining wellness looks like in your life? Wellness in a general sense is often described as being"in good health' or 'the absence of disease.' But for most people, wellness is a lot more th...

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Healthy You

8 Healthy Summer Treats

How are you keeping cool this summer? Check out the following 8 recipes for summer treats to keep you refreshed and feeling great all summer long! Now that we are officially enjoying the warm weather of summer, our desire for a sweet cold treat could have increased. While it's great to indulge i...

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Healthy You

7 Summer Activities for the Whole Family

Many of us anticipate summertime all year long. Make the most of it with your family by trying out some of the ideas below. Happy Canada Day! Looking for some ideas to get outside today (and the rest of summer)? We've compiled a list of our favourite ways to keep you and your family enjoying sum...

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Healthy You

Forming Healthy Habits

Healthy habits help us to live healthy and balanced lives. Read more about effective ways to start forming healthy habits today. Summer is finally upon us! With Summer comes a time of growth, freshness and renewal for nature, so why not take this time to grow within yourself. The past few months...

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