Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Community | Healthy You

$10K Raised in Last Mountain Marathon Swim – Random Acts of Wellness

Wellness is not always about healing what’s wrong, it’s about celebrating what’s right. We are excited to introduce the new Random Acts of Wellness series to Wellness Weekly! Random Acts of Wellness was created to showcase inspiring individuals doing extraordinary things in our own backyard. Sas...

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Healthy You

Back to School Snack Ideas

Look no further for tasty and easy-to-make back to school snacks. With Summer routines quickly changed to Fall, our eating patterns change too. Kids are back to school (in whatever sense that looks like for your family) and finding ideas for tasty and nutritious food can be time co...

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Healthy You

Day in the Life: Nutritious and Balanced Diet Edition

Eating well doesn't mean you still can't enjoy your favourite foods. Keep reading for some nutritious meals and tips for eating a balanced diet. Eating well and feeling our best is all about balance. Making an effort to eat those foods that are good for us, but also enjoying the foods that make ...

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Healthy You

Sleep 101

The sleep we get impacts how we feel everyday! Keep reading to learn more about why sleep is important to maintaining our personal wellness. Our bodies rely on us getting a good night's sleep to be our best selves. We truly can't function without sleep, which is why it's important ...

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Healthy You

Are you Drinking Enough Water?

Keep reading to learn why drinking enough water and staying hydrated is important for overall wellness. Our bodies are composed of 60% water. Staying hydrated is important for maintaining this balance to ensure we are feeling our best. It's often easy to forget to drink enough water while going ...

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Healthy You

Here’s how to fit a workout into your busy schedule

Routines can often change as we move into a new season. Keep reading for a list of tips to help you stay active and motivated, even when you are super busy. As we are slowly coming out of summer and into fall, it is that time where things are starting to pick up again. Although fall time might l...

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