Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Healthy You | Mental Health

Maintain your New Year’s Resolutions by Using Failure to Reframe for Success!

If you set yourself lofty resolutions this year, there’s a good chance you’re starting to struggle with maintaining them. With most resolutions being dropped within eight weeks, the odds of failing are high. This year, we want to share the benefits of failure and how making mistakes can help us t...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Your Sleep Habits are a Key Part of Your Overall Health, Here’s How!

Are you tossing and turning or waking up groggy? Our sleep profoundly affects our ability to manage stress, stay healthy, and feel productive. This January, resolving to sleep better might be at the heart of your other resolutions; exercise, healthy eating, and less drinking are all ways to sleep...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

The Surprising Health Benefits of a Saskatchewan Winter!

Do you feel the winter is best viewed from the inside? Well, it’s time to pull yourself from your hygge hiding spot, put down the fleece blankets, and reap the benefits of living in chilly Saskatchewan! Your body derives several benefits from cold weather, and in this blog, we will talk about the...

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Healthy You

Support Your New Year Goals: Nourishing a Healthy Digestive System

Have you jumped into extreme health mode on the first of January, only to fall back from your new diet a few weeks later? For many of us, the New Year is the time to get our goals in order and begin with a fresh face. However, the most successful resolutions are always made in slow and decisive s...

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Healthy You

5 Ways to Keep your Dental Health in Check

Good oral health is essential for your overall health and well-being. Although there's no way to prevent all dental issues even with the most studious and diligent care, taking good care of your teeth can help prevent pain or chronic diseases. This week, we're sharing tips to manage your oral hea...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Practical Mindfulness Tools are the Best Gift you Can Give Yourself this Holiday Season!

For many people, the holidays can bring on mixed feelings. While it’s a joyful time to share with friends and family, it can also be stressful. This season, you can focus on creating beautiful memories with your loved ones by practicing mindfulness and meditation. This blog gives you self-care ti...

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