Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Health Literacy | Healthy You | Trusted Sources

The Benefits of a High Protein Breakfast + Recipe Ideas | Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month, the perfect time to focus on healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices! The 2023 theme is unlocking the potential of food, reminding us that by making simple changes to our diets, we can improve our overall health and well-being, prevent chronic diseases, and support s...

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Health Literacy | Healthy You | Trusted Sources

Beyond Your Plate – Nutrition Habits that Support Wellness

March is Nutrition Month, the perfect time to focus on healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices! The 2023 theme is unlocking the potential of food, reminding us that by making simple changes to our diets, we can improve our overall health and well-being, prevent chronic diseases, and support s...

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Health Literacy | Healthy You | Trusted Sources

Eating for Gut Health – Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month, the perfect time to focus on healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices. The 2023 theme is unlocking the potential of food, reminding us that by making simple changes to our diets, we can improve our overall health and well-being, prevent chronic diseases, and support s...

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Healthy You

Surprising Ways You Can be Heart Healthy This February

We are all familiar with the standard methods for maintaining good heart health, but there are some surprising ways to prevent heart disease and stroke! If you’re already exercising, managing pre-existing conditions like diabetes, eating healthy, and quitting smoking, you’re off to a fantastic st...

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Healthy You

How To: Incorporating Heart-Healthy Vegetarian Options into Your Diet

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your cholesterol or make preventative, heart-healthy choices, increasing your produce and whole grain intake is a great first step. With so many options, it’s easy to add more heart-healthy vegetarian choices to your meal planning. This week, we explore the be...

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Healthy You

Keep your Heart Healthy by Choosing Alternatives to Alcohol –– Here’s How!

While mocktails and dry month challenges are increasingly popular, the health benefits of decreasing your alcohol consumption are not usually part of the conversation. Sharing some drinks with your friends and coworkers can be a great way to wind down and connect, but habitual drinking can be det...

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