Wellness Weekly

Your weekly source for articles designed to enhance your health and wellness

Healthy You | Mental Health

How spending time with animals can improve your mental health

Many of us enjoy spending time with our pets - but did you know that this can actually improve our mental health? If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, spending time with an animal may be one way to improve your overall mood, feel calmer and more refreshed. In this article, we'll l...

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Healthy You

Pilates 101: Why you should try it today

Have you ever tried Pilates? This low-impact, fully-body workout can help you improve both your mental and physical well-being. Keep reading to learn more about the amazing benefits of Pilates and how easy it is to get started! What is Pilates and where does it come from? Pilates is a popular e...

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Healthy You

Easy-to-grow kitchen herbs

Cooking a meal with herbs is the best way to get all the fresh and delicious flavours from your own backyard! Growing your own herbs is easy and fun no matter where you live. Herbs are easy to grow in pots on the balcony, in the garden, and year-round on the countertop. No matter how you grow, th...

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Healthy You

The health benefits of gardening – and what plants to grow in our climate

Spring is here, and in the coming weeks we'll start to see life emerging from the earth here in Saskatchewan. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting to think about planting your first pots, there are many excellent health benefits of gardening. Read on to learn how gardening can ...

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Healthy You | Mental Health

Refresh your space and your mindset with a spring cleanup

Some people seem to be born with the “clean gene”, and some people have to work a little harder to stay on top of tidying up. I fall into the second category – despite my best intentions, clutter seems to pile up on any flat surface in my house! Decluttering might sound intimidating or time consu...

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Health Literacy | Healthy You | Trusted Sources

The Basics of Building a Balanced Plate – Dietitian’s 4-Step Formula | Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month, the perfect time to focus on healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices! The 2023 theme is unlocking the potential of food, reminding us that by making simple changes to our diets, we can improve our overall health and well-being, prevent chronic diseases, and support s...

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