
10 ideas to elevate your self-care routine

Self-care is essential for your well-being because it allows you to recharge, both mentally and physically. Taking time to prioritize your needs and nurture yourself helps reduce stress, improves your mood, and enhances overall productivity. By practicing self-care, you’re investing in your long-term health and happiness, ensuring you can give your best to yourself and others.

Elevate your self-care game with these tips:

Recharge with a nap

Whether you are physically exhausted, mentally tired, or just in the wrong mindset, a quick nap can help you reset and recharge. Naps can improve mood and increase energy levels, so find a quiet place and consider using an eye mask or earplugs to help you sleep.

Take a bubble bath

A bath is a great way to melt your stresses away and soak sore muscles. Add a scented bubble bath or even essential oils to create a relaxing, pleasant aroma, or take it up a notch by adding some Epsom salts for extra relief.

Enjoy the great outdoors

Getting out of the house is literally a breath of fresh air. Soak up some vitamin D by taking a leisurely walk through the park, spending some time on your patio, or consider outdoor meditation to reconnect with nature.

Eat your veggies

What you put in your body can have an effect on how you feel – physically and mentally. Incorporating fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet is an important part of self-care. Looking for some ideas? Check out our blog on tips to eating healthy.

Incorporate movement

It’s a well-known fact that physical activity improves overall health. Exercise contributes to cardiovascular and bone health, the prevention of disease and can even improve brain function. A daily or even weekly workout routine can also help reduce anxiety and prevent depression.

Reduce your screentime

While your phone keeps you in contact with friends and family, too much screentime can have a negative effect on your mental health. Setting a daily limit on specific apps or reducing the number of notifications on your device are great ways to lower your screentime and give yourself a break.

Pick up a good book

Whether you like to listen to autobiographical audiobooks, flip through science fiction on your e-reader or curl up with a good old fashioned paperback, taking time to read is a great way to spend your time. This self-care practice is an excellent opportunity to slow down and focus on being present while exercising your mind.

Tidy up your space

Making your surroundings more comfortable by cleaning up is a great way to practice self-care. Tidying up doesn’t necessarily mean a deep clean, although some can find that relaxing. It can be as simple as reorganizing your desk or folding laundry. Check out our blog for some ideas to kick start your cleanup!

Level up your self-care

A personal health plan from Saskatchewan Blue Cross makes it easy to prioritize your wellness without putting a strain on your finances. Starting at just $20.93 a month, every plan includes 20 core benefits such as massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, vision care, ambulance, and more – helping to take your self-care practices to another level!