
8 ways to save on groceries

With the rising cost of groceries, sticking to the budget can be tough. Canada’s Food Price Report reports that Canadians are spending less on food this year despite inflation either by reducing the quantity or quality of their food. So how can you keep your pantry stocked, your grocery bill down and your budget in check? Try using some or all, of these proven strategies to help reduce spend when you hit the grocery aisles and keep some extra cash in your wallet!

1. Make a list (and stick to it!)

Start by making a meal plan for the week (check out the 2024 Wellness Guide for inspiration!) and make a list of the items you need.  Going in with a plan will help you stay focused and make you less likely to grab those extra items, as well as help reduce your food waste at home.

2. Don’t go hungry (or order online!)

Eat before you go!  Hunger can derail even the best intentions when you’re hit with the smell of fresh baked goods or standing in the snack aisles and you might be tempted to add extra items to your cart. You can also order online for pick up – most stores now offer this service which helps you stick to your list.

3. Check the flyers

You don’t need to clip coupons to save – go digital and download a flyer app for your area to see the most recent sales and promotions. Many apps give you the option to search flyers for specific items, so if you’re up to the task of shopping multiple stores you’ll be able to score the lowest price across the board.

4. Use your points

Join the rewards program at your local grocer!  While it might seem minimal at first, these points add up (at no extra cost to you). Use your points towards the gourmet items on your list or bank them until your weekly shop is free.

5. Buy generic

You don’t have to sacrifice on flavor, or on your favorite brand of yogurt. Look at pantry and fridge staples and swap out name brands for store brands. You’re not going to notice the difference when it comes to flour, sugar or canned tomatoes.

6. Less packaging = more value

The more packaging there is, the more you’re paying for less food. Think snack packs and individually wrapped and portioned goods – swap these items out for the family sized version and portion them out when you get home.

7. Re-evaluate “Organic”

Use caution when paying premiums for organic items. Check the labels and do your research when purchasing “organic” foods. This term can be misleading and might not always be indicative that something is healthy or all-natural. Only agricultural products can be certified organic and not all organic products are created equal.


Don’t forget to pack your bags! Local grocers may charge you a fee even for paper bags. Keep bags in your car and return them to your car once you’re done unloading your groceries.