
9 tips for Engaging in Self-Care

It can be hard to prioritize self-care. It seems like it is always on your to-do list, but the thing that you never quite get to. Here is a list of our top tips to help you take the time to take care of yourself and some ideas to get you started when you feel like you’re in a rut this winter.


Self-care is taking care of our own well-being and happiness. It often looks different for everyone, as we all have activities that help us feel relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on our lives. Self-care, in its essence, is taking the time to do something that makes you feel good.

Prioritize self-care practices.

If you struggle with setting time aside for self-care activities, start by scheduling them into your weekly planner to make those self-care practices a part of your daily or weekly routine. If you integrate these activities into your schedule, you’re more likely to follow through with the plans.

Reflect and relax a little each day.

Taking 5 -10 minutes to decompress is a great way to unwind. Whether you’ve had a busy day at work or ran errands and checked items off your to-do list, take time each day to reflect and breathe. Take a moment to sit quietly with your thoughts.

Switch it up and get moving.

Self-care inspiration can be hard to find if you spend time in the same place. Whether you are working in the office or at home, don’t forget the value of taking the time to get up and move throughout the day. It can be as simple and quick as a short walk around the block or working in a different space for a few hours. If you are looking for a way to stay moving throughout the day, check out our blog post on a few exercises that can be done at your desk!

Disconnect when needed.

There is no shame in needing a little break from constant connection. Having our entire digital lives at our fingertips is great, but take a moment to reflect on how continuous connection impacts your mental and personal wellness. Are there specific ways you can detox from constant connection? Maybe it’s leaving your phone at home when hanging out with friends or leaving your phone and computer in the other room when you go to bed at night. Self-care can sometimes look like taking a step back.

Take the time to enjoy the little things.

Take (or make) the time to enjoy moments that make you happy. Do you find yourself thinking you wish you had more time to do certain activities? If making and enjoying a tasty coffee and breakfast on Sunday morning is one of the best parts of the weekend for you, consider getting up earlier during the week to enjoy these moments more often. Whatever it may be, remind yourself often to stop and enjoy the small moments in life.

Say no when your plate is too full.

Remember, it is okay to say no to those extra plans. A form of self-care can also be taking a step back and doing nothing! If those Friday night dinner plans with friends are too much on top of a busy week, it is okay to say no or reschedule for next week. Listen to your body when you know you need a little more relaxation time.

Build a self-care kit.

Make engaging in self-care easy. First, take a moment to reflect on the things or activities that make you happy. Next, fill a basket or box with those things so you have them on hand next time you want to engage in self-care. In the kit, you could include a new pair of socks, a bubble bath, a reminder to phone a loved one, your favourite photos, a gift card to your favourite restaurant (a gift from you to you) and anything else to show yourself a little love. You could also include a list of ideas for participating in self-care if you sometimes feel stuck on what to do. Keep this kit nearby and reach for it next time you want to treat yourself!

Stay in touch.

With our busy schedules and daily routines, it is not always easy to get together with friends or family regularly. Staying connected is important for maintaining mental wellness, so even in the colder months, remember to take time to do so whenever you can.  

Make the effort for those self-care activities.

Having an idea of a few self-care activities you want to do and actually doing them can sometimes be two very different things. If self-care for you is booking a massage or a trip to the hair salon, book the appointments in advance! This will ensure you have time for them, as they are already scheduled, but it will also give you something to look forward to.

Self-care is different for everyone; what might work for some might not work for others. Try out a few of these tips to see if they can help you prioritize self-care.

Thanks to Women’s Health Magazine for some of the ideas! If you’re interested in more ideas on how to engage in self-care, click here to read our blog post featuring a list of ideas. 


Make engaging in self-care even easier by purchasing a Personal Health Plan from Saskatchewan Blue Cross. Health coverage allows you to seek treatments that can help you take care of yourself, with coverage for health practitioners like massage therapists, chiropractors and acupuncture.